Podcast notes for broken show — and a hiatus announcement.

Shelly and I tried to record a show last night, but technical difficulties kept the audio from being laid to track.  While I hope to potentially have a guest host sit in this weekend to fill in the content-gap, there are no promises.

In the interim, here’s the link list containing the stories we were to cover.

If I’m able to get a remote co-host’s audio put to track, expect a posting on either Sunday or Monday.

Otherwise, here’s the link list.  We’ll be back on the air as soon as we’re able.  Apologies for the inconvenience.

Podcast: Episode 1.6

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Intro: Nine Inch Nails – “Hyperpower!
Outro: Bad Religion – “Los Angeles is Burning

Topics on the show included…

Podcast: Episode 1.5

Anonymous protests US intervention in Libya in downtown Madison, WI.

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Intro: Nine Inch Nails – “Hyperpower!
Outro: Clutch – “Animal Farm

Topics on the show included (and beware the list… it’s a doozy [but you’ll learn lots])…


Podcast: Episode 1.4

Lemme guess: you voted for statism, didn't you?

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Intro: Nine Inch Nails – “Hyperpower!
Outro: Shelly – “State and Serf

Topics on the show included…

Podcast: Episode 1.3

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Intro: Nine Inch Nails – “Hyperpower!
Outro: Shelly – “It’s a One-Party World


Video: “Speech by War Veteran”

Podcast: Episode 1.2

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Paul Joseph Watson – “Staged: White House ‘Situation Room’ Photos Part Of Bin Laden Fable”


Staged: White House “Situation Room” Photos Part Of Bin Laden Fable

Paul Joseph Watson | May 5, 2011

In addition to images of President Obama’s address to the American public on Sunday night, it has emerged that the dramatic photos of Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton and members of the White House security team watching the assassination of Bin Laden “live” were in fact completely staged, casting further doubt on the ever-changing official account of the operation.


Tyler Durden – “Obama Confirms Leadership Failure, Pulls Out Mother Of All Mutual Assured Nukes: ‘Raise Debt Ceiling Or Risk Global Recession'”


Tyler Durden | April 15, 2011

And people made fun of Hank Paulson for threatening with eternal damnation if congress didn’t stamp his multi-trillion blank check to bail out his former co-workers from Goldman. In a step that makes the Kashkari-Paulson threat seem like amateur hour, the teleprompter just received its latest high frequency directive from the Wall Street superiors, promptly delivering the latest MAD message to what continues to be perceived as an idiot audience: “Failure by Congress to raise the U.S. debt limit “could plunge the world economy back into recession,” President Barack Obama declared Friday, and he acknowledged that he must compromise on spending with Republicans who control the House to avoid such a crisis. Obama urged swift action, saying he doesn’t want the United States to get close to a deadline that would destabilize financial markets. He said he was confident Congress ultimately would raise the limit. “We always have. We will do it again,” said Obama, who voted against raising the debt limit as a freshman senator from Illinois.”


Published in: on April 16, 2011 at 6:53 PM  Leave a Comment  

Murray N. Rothbard – “The Tyranny of Government Courts and Prisons”


“The Tyranny of Government Courts and Prisons”

Murray N. Rothbard | April 12, 2011

Compulsory labor permeates our legal and judicial structure. Thus, much-venerated judicial procedure rests upon coerced testimony. Since it is axiomatic to libertarianism that all coercion — in this case, all coerced labor — against everyone except convicted criminals be eliminated, this means that compulsory testimony must be abolished as well. In recent years, it is true, the courts have been alive to the Fifth Amendment protection that no alleged criminal be forced to testify against himself — to provide the material for his own conviction. The legislatures have been significantly weakening this protection by passing immunity laws, offering immunity from prosecution if someone will testify against his fellows — and, furthermore, compelling the witness to accept the offer and testify against his associates. But compelling testimony from anyone for any reason is forced labor — and, furthermore, is akin to kidnapping, since the person is forced to appear at the hearing or trial and is then forced to perform the labor of giving testimony. The problem is not only the recent immunity laws; the problem is to eliminate all coerced testimony, including the universal subpoenaing of witnesses to a crime, and then forcing them to testify. In the case of witnesses, there is no question whatever of their being guilty of a crime, so the use of compulsion against them — a use that no one has questioned until now — has even less justification than compelling testimony from accused criminals.


Economic Collapse – “Corrupted!: 5 Shocking Examples Of Government Corruption That Will Blow Your Mind”


“Corrupted!: 5 Shocking Examples Of Government Corruption That Will Blow Your Mind”

Economic Collapse | April 14, 2011

At times it really is breathtaking how corrupted the U.S. government has become. Government corruption has become so endemic in our society that most people have just kind of accepted it as “normal”. But shouldn’t we all get hopping mad when we learn that the Federal Reserve sent billions of dollars in bailout money to addresses in the Cayman Islands? Shouldn’t we all be furious when one of the leading candidates for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, declares that he is “not going to spend my time focusing on the Federal Reserve”? Shouldn’t we all be alarmed when Nancy Pelosi gives a speech in which she says that “elections shouldn’t matter”? Shouldn’t we all demand that someone be held accountable when we find out that a CBO analysis shows that the “$38.5 billion” in spending cuts will only reduce the budget deficit for this year by $352 million dollars? On top of everything else, shouldn’t we all be absolutely horrified when the TSA gropes little 6 year old girls and virtually none of our politicians demand change?


Published in: on April 14, 2011 at 11:48 PM  Leave a Comment  

Terrence McNally – “How Anti-Intellectualism Is Destroying America”


How Anti-Intellectualism Is Destroying America

Terrence McNally | August 15, 2008.

“It’s like these guys take pride in being ignorant.” Barack Obama finally said it.

Though a successful political and electoral strategy, the Right’s stand against intelligence has steered them far off course, leaving them — and us — unable to deal successfully with the complex and dynamic circumstances we face as a nation and a society.


Devvy Kidd – “Americans Embracing Their Own Destruction”


Americans Embracing Their Own Destruction

Devvy Kidd | July 21, 2008

My column on the FDA produced more than 2500 emails this past week; the master list of diseases is now updated. The issue of a nation self medicating on dangerous drugs approved by the FDA really struck a chord. In that column, I pointed out two major factors why Americans are so apathetic and stumbling through life without a clue: fluoride and aspartame.

However, it goes even deeper. By reducing the population to little better than the level of cattle with only basic feelings like hunger, need for water and herding them with a prod (mother government), down goes self-reliance, self-determination and courage. Fed, watered and led to the slaughter house. How is this done? The master plans for inculcating the communist morality (communitarianism) into the American landscape has been underway for a century and that’s exactly what it does to people: takes away their self-esteem, individualism, their drive for success and lumps them in with the “community.” They are manipulated into believing that a Godless (secular) nation is good; what the Founding Fathers wanted! This is necessary for communism to exist and thrive.


CNN – “CNN poll: Most say Founding Fathers wouldn’t be impressed”


CNN poll: Most say Founding Fathers wouldn’t be impressed

CNN | July 4, 2008

How would the likes of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin feel about the way the United States has turned out 232 years after declaring its independence?

Not pleased, a majority of Americans recently polled said.

According to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey, 69 percent of adult Americans who responded to a poll June 26-29 said the signers of the Declaration of Independence would be disappointed by the way the nation has turned out overall.


Published in: on July 5, 2008 at 4:38 PM  Comments (1)  

Joan Veon – “Is The Fourth A Ruse For ‘We The People’?”


Is The Fourth A Ruse For ‘We The People’?

Joan Veon | July 4, 2008

The 232nd 4th of July celebrations are soon to be over for another year. We might even smirk at our good fortune, but are we really free of them? The research that I have done over the last 15 years continues to show that we have been brought back under British rule. While I thought the reunion began in 1944 with creation of the IMF/World Bank and 1945 with the United Nations, I recently found the charade goes back to 1794. While it appears that we are independent, we are not. My first inkling that something was amiss began when I discovered Prince Charles supported the population reducing environmental philosophy of sustainable development. I found he was a major player behind the scenes to get this diabolical agenda to “go down” at the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. He also organized a major meeting in Charleston two years earlier in 1990 to bring together CEO’s from the world’s most powerful companies to help lobby for Agenda 21 in Rio and then for them to help change the structure of government through public-private partnerships.


Published in: on July 5, 2008 at 4:08 PM  Leave a Comment